drink driving courses
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drink driving courses
Licence Eligibility Order
Alcohol/Drug Support
Accredited Programs
Drink/Drug driving - The FACTS
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Alcohol/Drug Support


Victorian Accredited Behaviour Change Programs. BOOK ONLINE at


OR CALL NOW 0401 684 875 OR 03 9886 5099



1)  DIRECT LINE:     PHONE 1800 888 236

     24 hour confidential alcohol & drug counselling & referral

2)  LIFELINE:     13 11 14 (24 hours) www.lifeline.org.au

3)  KIDS HELP LINE:      1800 55 1800 www.kidshelp.com.au

      24 hour counselling for 5-25 year olds

4)  YSASLINE:     1800 014 446

      Youth Substance Abuse Services 24 hour information & referral

5)  Poisons Information Centre:     13 11 26

6)  Family Drug Help:     ph: (03) 9573 1780           

      (Melb. Mon-Fri  9:00am-5:00pm)   ah: 1300 660 068

      For people concerned about a relative or friend using drugs


If you think you have a problem with drugs or know someone that you think may have a problem, the first step to getting help is talking to a counsellor/health professional or someone else you can trust and chat with, such a friend or family member.

Counsellors and health professionals can provide you with confidential advice and refer you to a drug service that is right for you.

You can take this first step by:

  • phoning Directline on 1800 888 236, which is a 24 hour telephone counselling, information and referral service.
  • contacting a drug referral and counselling service in your area 
  • visiting a doctor or local health service.

The Next Step

Counsellors, doctors and health professionals are able to help you if you have a problem with drugs. They have worked with lots of young people and can be trusted to be completely confidential.

To begin with they will do an initial assessment of your drug problem and then refer you to a service where you can get the help you need.

If you have a friend or family member who has a problem with drugs, counsellors, doctors and health professionals are also able to provide you with advice on how to help the person in need. Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone who doesn’t know the person directly.

To get help for an alcohol or drug issue - PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW





The fact sheets complement the resources developed for the promotion of the Australian Alcohol Guidelines by providing more detailed information on the Guideline messages as well as data, policy responses and resources on alcohol. The 25 fact sheets cover 25 topics within four broad categories:  Please click on the link below.

Alcohol and Your Health Facts


drink driving courses | Licence Eligibility Order | Breathalysers | Alcohol/Drug Support | Accredited Programs | Drink/Drug driving - The FACTS | T&C Contact us